maverick veryl... one year ago today we received one of the best christmas presents your daddy and i could ever ask for. not only were you born just in time to come home and enjoy christmas with us but we also didn't know which "color" of gift we would recieve! would it be PINK or BLUE!?! you were the first baby that we decided to wait until the birth to know what we were going to receive. that was so much fun.... VERY hard the whole 9 months as i never felt like i could get to KNOW you since i didn't know boy or girl .. although i knew you were crazy from the second i started feeling your kicks! on the day you were born you can imagine how excited i was to finally find out if i was going to get to dress you up in girly clothes and wrap you in a fuzzy pink blanket or in some of the adorable boy clothes that it seemed you brother was JUST wearing!

you finally entered the world and the doctor and daddy were so concerned that you were okay that they didn't even look to see what you were. finally i asked... "so, is it a boy or a girl?!?!" they took a peek and announced "it's a boy!" i was overjoyed! i would have been overjoyed either way but your great grandpa had passed away in the same hopital you were born just a couple weeks before you were born. the same nurse that took care of him, was even helping with your birth. we had decided that if you were a boy, you would take his first name as your middle name. so to be able to carry on the name of a man that we held so dear to our hearts was such a blessing. you smile all the time like him too so i'm sure that is grandpa (veryl) delford showing up in your sweet spirit!
maverick means 'an independant man that avoids conformilty' that is our hope for you mav. that you would not conform to the ways of this world but would instead be a light for Christ in a world that so desperately needs it!
you have been a JOY! i can't say it enough! i love how God knows exactly what your family needs and when they need it! i have said so many times over the past year "i'm so glad he is in our family!" you just add such a fun dynamic to our crew! you are just a ball of energy, you are on the move every second you are awake!
you are starting to play more with your brother. this morning you were laughing so hard you could hardly breathe because of him being silly with you. i actually thought jed was being too rough but i had to remind myself that you guys are boys and you aren't really a baby anymore and you thought it was hilarious... so i needed to just quietly observe and let you have fun! your sis has been there for you from the start. she has wanted to hold you, and love on you the second we brought you home from the hospital. now you are outgrowing this a bit and don't want to be
held down!
we love you so much mav! you are teaching me so much about joy. i'm thankful for the opportunity to be your mommy! happy 1 year little man!
the verse the we have chosen for you is this: "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." romans 12.2