We are enjoying bright red tulips on the farm as we speak! They are so beautiful and springy! Most of you may know, but some may not know that we live on Jon's Grandparents farm. Grandpa is now living in town and Grandma passed away last summer and we miss them greatly. What a blessing it is to look outside and see the flowers that they planted together coming up again this spring! I think about Grandma when I look at those flowers. My Grandma Kaliff who is also in Heaven now was a wonderful gardner as well and when I plant flowers each year I think about her. It is such a blessing to have a rich heritage that went before us that instilled talents, values and memories within us that we can now pass down to the next generation.
I loved them so much I had to bring some of the beauty inside!
Other things that are springing up are my tomato and pepper plants! I took them outside to a little bit today to get used to the outdoors. Usually they live on our kitchen table!
Happy Spring!