Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a little GREEN for ya...

First of all, Happy St. Patricks Day to you! I planned to dress Elli in green since it is her very 1st St. Patricks Day... but my green was on total accident... it was what was clean and laying on my dresser! :) When I discovered we both were sporting green on this St. Patty's Day... I just had to take a pic!
The other kind of GREEN I wanted to share was the environmentally friendly kind! Thanks to my sister-in-law, Rachels ideas on her blog... I decided to take the plunge and do a few things that would be kind to the environment! These things include: recycling plastic, aluminum, tin and glass AND taking our own bags to the grocery store instead of using the plastic bags. Not huge changes but every little thing counts right??

Today Elli and I made a trip to the grocery store to stock up on groceries for the next 3 weeks. I was very surprised to see that all of my groceries fit in these five reuseable bags!

Another... maybe not necessarily environmentally friendly change... but a budget friendly change... has been making a menu for 3 weeks (with the exception of getting more fresh fruits, veggies, milk, orange juice and bread). This way I stay away from the grocery store which means I don't see other stuff that I think we "need"!

Here is our system... in the house ALL recycling items go in the recycle bin.

I then separate the items in these bins out in the garage. Pretty simple. My family recycled when I was growing up so I don't know why I haven't been doing this all along. Why throw stuff in the dumpster when it can be reused for something else??

Once again... Happy GREEN Day!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Chelsea! I like your recycling set-up. I think your once-every-3wks plan for shopping is a good one, especially for your location and grocery store options. I spend way too much time in grocery stores, but the sales are too enticing I seem to end up in the store every week. Sigh...

    A is reading a book right now about being green, I'm sure it will convict us, and hopefully move us toward some more small changes.


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