to say i'm a touch excited about my zinnias (and other rows of flowers) would be an understatement. my mom has been planting cutting flowers for a few years now and this is my first year to do it right... well kind of. i want to cut some and bring them in but they are so pretty i don't want to bother them. the row behind the zinnias in sunflowers... gasp!! to think i planted sunflowers within feet of my husbands bean field!! i better pick them before the spread or do whatever they do! i'm excited to see the other flowers pop out!
i love that there are certain things that can be passed down from generation to generation and even when the person you loved so much is gone... you can enjoy that activity for years and years after. a love of flowers is one of those things that i remember my grandma kaliff just loving. her yard always looked so nice and she loved flowers... and cactus... which i do not love! my mom also shares this same love and my sister and i have both followed in their footsteps. i am in the stage of life right now where weeds do get in the way and i don't tend to things the way they should be cared for or in a timely manner... but i'm thankful that they flowers continue to grow to be that gentle reminder of grandma.
How long, O LORD?
5 years ago
your cut flowers look b-e-a-u-tiful! i saw mom's the other night and they are, of course, amazing! i am glad that's something we can all continue enjoying like grandma always did! :)