Wednesday, July 6, 2011

photo challenge day twenty two: hands

these photos were oopsie's as i was trying to get my settings right before organizing everyone for a "look at the camera" photo! i kind of liked these oopsie's as they captured just what was happening at the time... my parents loving on their grandbabies! one of my favorite things! i know this isn't a picture of hands only but as i was looking through my pictures i thought about my parents hands and what they represent for me. those hands worked so incredibly hard to care and provide for me and my siblings... they were the hands that guided me through my growing up years, the hands that held me when i was hurting and the hands that gave lots and lots of hugs! i love that those same hands are open and willing to offer that some love to my children.

the poem mama's hands (click on the title to read the poem) is one i always think of when i think of my moms hands... that poem describes my mom almost to a tee! she has done everything from pull a calf in the cold to making christmas gifts by hand and everything in between! i love you for that mom!

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