Wednesday, June 22, 2011

photo challenge day eight: a bad habit

i don't know why posting this bad habit is maybe even more embarrassing than posting a self portrait but it is for some reason. i'm going to be real, so here it is... I LOVE CANDY!!

i just do... i'm not particular about the kind, clearly as you can see from the photo. there is chocolate, sweet, sour, hot... pretty much covers all the basis. i go through periods of time where i keep zero candy in the house (for good reason!) but apparently i'm not going through one of those stages! i can't blame candy disappearing on anyone else in this house either because jon doesn't ever eat it and i don't let the kiddos have it... so process of elimination says IT'S ALL ME!! perhaps once this junk is gone i need to not buy anymore!!

well... i'm off to go clean and ignore this bowl of candy that is staring at me!!


  1. i would say this is a good habit :)

  2. haha...I love this challenge..and I could have predicted your so called "bad habit" because mine is probably the same which is why I know exactly where your "stash" is and it's usually one of my first stops when I visit! :)


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