O Lord, Our Lord how majestic is your names in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens... When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8:1, 3-4
i thought that when i decided to do this photo challenge that it would just be a fun thing to participate it... i honestly didn't think it would really make me think any further than exploring different angles, different editing techniques or just for the pure fun of seeing my other friends similar pictures. i have to say... some of them have made me ponder further than those relatively unimportant things.
i took this picture at johnson lake last night. i knew that today's challenge was 'sunset' and i just happened to look up and the sun was setting... perfect! i snapped a photo and we were ready to go! tonight as we were checking fields i looked straight ahead and again noticed the sunset. i have to be honest, i have never been one to marvel at god's creation. i feel like i have taken it for granted. anytime elli sees the stars, the moon, the sun setting, she points it out in amazement... "the MOON!" like she is seeing it for the very first time. i need to get that back... that shear excitment and joy that i am able to experience God's creation yet one more day! i am amazed that the God who created that sunset and everything that surrounded it even knows me or cares about me. as the verse says above "what is man that you are mindful of him?" i do not deserve that God of the heavens and the earth to even know my name let alone the number of hairs on my head. i'm thankful that He gives me a sunset every night.
Beautiful picture and beautiful thoughts!! Thanks for sharing!