Friday, June 24, 2011

photo challenge day ten: a childhood memory

i loved thinking about this throughout the day. i had a sweet, sweet childhood. i thought about all of the things i could have posted, the millions of popsicles in summer, jumping off the front porch into the baby pool, camping trips in a moments notice, bringing our live baby animals into the hosue and dressing them up, rollerskating in the garage, jumping on the trampoline. my childhood wasn't extravagent at all... it was probably very much the opposite... very simple and i loved it! i feel tears welling up just thinking about those precious memories made with my sister, brother and parents. i so desire our kids to have the same sweet, simple childhood.

i chose to take pictures of some similar toys that my sister and i played for hours on end with. i grew up in an old farmhouse and tessa and i shared a room in half of the attic and in the other half was the playroom. some popular items in our pretend "house" were a kitchen and doll cradle. we took care of our babies, made meals, ate dinner, went to the movies, like i said hours and hours of pretend play. so when i see my kiddos playing with their pretend house and watching my daughter tuck her babies into their beds it brings back precious memories.

the blanket and the baby in the crib were both toys that belonged to my sister and i. how does time fly by so fast that MY baby is playing with them already?!?

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful memories indeed..I agree, such simple fun we had in the attic...thank goodness we have home videos so we can relive some of those memories and show our kids someday...I'm thinking of the video where we were giving a tour of all of the things in our room and I proceeded to say which china head dolls were yours and which were mine ("these two are mine and these are chelsea's, chelsea's, chelsea's, chelsea's") and as I recall the tape ended with you showing the camera your favorite pencil while all of the little pencil leads began to fall out and you're down on the ground trying the quickly push them all back in. LOL!!


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