with today being father's day i had high hopes of getting some amazing pics from high angles (and low angles and maybe even some in between angles while i'm at it!) of my babies and their wonderful daddy... do you think that happened?? of course not! but i did get a couple pics of dirty kiddos having a blast at their buddy jace's 3rd birthday party! what more could i ask for?
my first "high angle photo" is of mr. jed! let me explain... this boy is a serious dude. not a whole lot of smiles come out of him! and when he is in the mood he has what i like the call the "cheeser face". totally adorable in a very cheesy way. so the fact that i got this photo makes me so happy because he is smiling AND do you notice what he has in his mouth?? a cap from bubbles. this boy also is obsessed with "little junk" and he has a special obsession with cap of any sort. it is these little things that i want to capture and i love that with photography you can do that!
i must mention that i never would have captured this if my girl kara wouldn't have pointed it out to me as i was just complaining to her about my lack of high angle photo opportunities! thanks kara... and that's why i love this challenge... it is helping me to think outside of the bubble!
Happy Father's Day, Jon! And good work with the high angles Chels! Jed's "cheeser face" makes me so happy and Elli's little piggy tails are adorable!