Tuesday, June 21, 2011

photo challenge day six: from a low angle

yesterday the challenge was to take photos from a low angle... it was also a pool day! after laying on the cement and squatting as low as i could go... this is the best i got! elli is a natural pool rat... she loves the water! jed was hesitant the first time but yesterday got in the pool by himself! i was so proud of him for conquering his fears. he still hangs near the side of the pool but at least he is enjoying himself.. which means mom can enjoy herself too!


  1. can't wait to join you guys at the pool!

  2. Yea so I'm way behind on commenting...life sorta happened there for a while...but I'm back and ready to comment!! Jealous that I haven't even been to the pool once this summer...but it looks like Elli and Jed are enjoying themselves!


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